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Sunday, October 5, 2008


By Elder Richard G. Scott
The following personal experience... occurred some time ago when I had responsibilities in Mexico and Central America that were far beyond my personal capacity to fulfill. I spent much sincere effort in seeking guidance and understanding from the Lord in study, prayer, fasting, and anxious service. Help came unexpectedly one Sunday as I attended a meeting where a humble... priesthood leader struggled to communicate truths of the gospel identified in his lesson manual....

...Love, sincerity, and purity of intent permitted a spirit to envelop the room. I was so touched that in addition to receiving again a witness of the truths he presented, I began to receive some personal impressions as an extension of those principles taught by the humble instructor. These impressions, intended for me personally, were related to my assignments in the area. They came in answer to my prolonged efforts to learn.

As each impressions came, I wrote it down. I was given precious truths needed for me to be more effective. The specific counsel began with this impression: "Continue to build the Church on the foundation of true principles, but with increased expression of love and appreciation for the great Lamanite people. "There followed matters of great benefit to me....

This experience...created an environment where strong impressions flowed. I wrote them down. One paragraph began,"Testify to instruct, edify, and lead others to full obedience, not to demonstrate anything of self. All who are puffed up shall be cut off." Another signaled, "You are nothing in and of yourself, Richard."That was followed with some specific counsel on how to be a better servant. The impressions became so personal that I felt it inappropriate to record them in the midst of a...class. I sought a more private location. There I continued to write the feelings that flooded into my mind and heart as accurately and as faithfully as possible. After each powerful impressions was recorded, I meditated upon it and pondered the feelings I had received to determine if I had accurately interpreted them. Then I studied their meaning and application in my own personal life.

Subsequently I prayed, expressing to the Lord what I thought I had felt. There came a feeling of peace and serenity when it was confirmed. I asked if there was yet more that I should be given to understand. There came further impressions, and the process was repeated until I received the most precious, specific direction for which I will ever be grateful.
-Brigham Young University 1992-93 Devotional and Fireside Speeches [1993], 155-56