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Thursday, February 28, 2008


helllow everyone,,

it's good to see your beautiful and handsome faces....hehehe!! Good job!!! it's great..i like it..

JUST SEND MY REGARDS TO ALL.....See you all around!!!!

it's mhee!!!


" I have learned over the years that the strength in a quorum doesn't come from the number of priesthood holders in it. Nor does it come automatically from the age and muturity of the members. Rather, the strength of a quorum comes in large measure from how completely its members are united in righteousness. That unity in a strong quorum of the priesthood is not like anything I have experienced in an athletic team or club or any other organinzation in the world.


"Brothers and sisters, may we focus on the simple ways we can serve in the kingdom of God, always striving to change lives, including our own. What is most important in our Church responsibilities is not the statistics that are reported or the meetings that are held but whether or not individual people--ministered to one at a time just as the Savior did--have been lifted and encouraged and ultimately changed. Our task is to help others find the peace and the joy that only the gospel can give them. In seven words, Jesus summarized how we can accomplish this. He said, 'If ye love me, keep my commandments'(John14:15)."

-M. Russell Ballard, "O Be Wise," Ensign,Nov.2006,20

(11-6) Matthew 10:38,39.HOW CAN YOU SAVE YOUR LIFE BY LOSING IT?
"To say that his disciples must hate all that is dear to them is surely a hard saying. But we discover from other interpretations of the doctrine(Matt.10:37-38) that the meaning is that anyone who loves his father, mother, wife, and all that is dear to him, even his own life, more than he loves Christ, is not worthy of and cannot be his disciple. The thought is very clear in this instruction that all who seek eternal life are required to come to Christ willing to give up all that they posses, if necessary. Should they be unwilling to do so, even to the laying down of life in his cause, then they are not worthy of his kingdom. This is reasonable: no unjust demand is made by our Savior, for the came and laid down his life for us that we might have life everlasting. He suffered for us: should we not love him more than we love own lives?"

-(Smith,The Way to Perfection, pp.272-73.)

"If the choices is between reforming [others] or ourselves, is there really any question about where we should begin? The key is to have our eyes wide open to our own faults and partially closed to the faults of others--not the other way around! The imperfections of others never release us from the need to work on our own shortcomings"
-(Elder Neal A. Maxwell in Conference Report, Apr.1982,57;or Ensign, May 1982,39)

"True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion."
-Presidet Gordon B. Hinkley

"A true Mormon home is one in which of Christ should chance to enter, he would be pleased to linger and to rest."
- President David O. McKay

"Taking the New Testament alone, you will gain little idea of the kind of life the Romans led in Palestine, the kind of life that the Christ condemned, and yet as I have already said, it has seemed to me that the one sin that the Savior condemned as much as any other was the sin of hypocrisy-the living of the double life, the life we let our friends and sometimes our wives believe, and the life we actually live.
-(J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Church News, 2 Feb. 1963, p.16.)